Daily tile Care
Daily tile care is a simple task. By following our tile maintenance guide below, you can ensure that your tile floors look great for years to come.
Sweeping your tile flooring regularly will help to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the tile and the grouting. If left untreated, this debris can lead to a shoddy tile appearance and premature aging. How often you sweep will depend on the traffic the tile flooring receives. For some, sweeping will need to occur daily, while others may only need to do so once a week.
You can damp-mop your tile flooring for a deeper clean as needed. When you do so, be wary of using too much water.
Encourage guests to remove their shoes before walking across your tile flooring.
debris & spills
Tile spills and messes are not a significant cause for concern so long as you address the accidents immediately after they occur.
Sweep solid messes up with a broom in the aftermath of the accident. If you do so quickly after the spill, no lingering damage should occur. Tile flooring is tough on solid spills.
Liquid messes on your tile flooring should be cleaned up with a cloth or towel afterward. The longer you wait to address liquid messes, the higher the likelihood that damage occurs to your grouting or the subflooring beneath.